Why Turn to Microblading?

Why Turn to Microblading?

Microblading is a semi-permanent technique for hand drawing individual hairs on the body, and coloring in their pigment to give the appearance of real human hair. This treatment is usually meant for eyebrows in order to fill in gaps, correct eyebrows that might have been overplucked, and for shaping and sculpting brows for a unique look.

Microblading carries with it a number of benefits for the beauty conscious — as well as anyone seeking to correct their appearance. At AMA - Allure Microblading Academy, we specialize in microblading and in training estheticians, so it’s safe to say we’ve seen our fair share of brows. Read on to learn why you should turn to microblading for your beauty and aesthetic needs.

Microblading In Process

Fill the Gaps in Your Eyebrows

We’ve all been there — too much plucking, not enough filling. And when you go overboard with plucking you’re left with unsightly gaps in your eyebrows. Besides penciling in what’s missing, there are numerous techniques for filling in gaps in your eyebrows, and perhaps the queen of them all is microblading. Microblading for eyebrows gives your gaps a more natural, filled-in appearance, all while looking like a natural part of your eyebrows.

Correct Over-plucked Eyelashes

If you got a little too eager when you were plucking your eyebrows, you might have significant gaps or an uneven appearance between your eyebrows. Microblading for eyebrows can correct your lopsided brows by simulating the appearance of natural brows. This will give you a balanced, clean look, without anyone ever knowing you used microblading. And while your natural eyebrows grow back, microblading can cover for you in the meantime.

Microblading In Process
Microblading results

Long-lasting Results

With microblading for eyebrows, you only need occasional touchups to cover what might have faded. That said, microblading also produces a more resilient end result as well, making it an even better choice than fake brows. The pigments used in microblading don’t fade when you exfoliate or wash, and no matter how hard you rub, you just can’t smudge them.

No Recovery Time

There’s no downtime and no recovery time when microblading for eyebrows. Once the appointment is over and your brows are in place, that’s it. You don’t need to wait, and you don’t need to bring any special tools or equipment back with you. So, go directly back to work, work out, or just go home, knowing you’re looking your best.

Microblading results

You’ll Get the Perfect Shape

With microblading for eyebrows, you can effectively and effortlessly get the absolute perfect shape for your brows. One of our registered brow specialists will take into account your desired look, your skin pigment, your hair color, and of course what might look the best.

Don’t let unsightly gaps or badly drawn eyebrows ruin your otherwise fab look. When you’ve got brow problems, let the experts at AMA - Allure Microblading Academy take care of you. Contact us today to schedule your appointment!