What Is Microblading and How Long Does It Last?

Microblading is a new and exciting beauty treatment that has been gaining in popularity over the past few years. But what is microblading, and how long does it last? In this blog post, we will answer those questions and more! At Allure Microblading Academy, we offer comprehensive training courses that will teach you everything you need to know about this exciting semi-permanent procedure. Keep reading to learn more and then register for our microblading classes today!

Microblading- Myth vs. Fact

What is Microblading?

Microblading is a way to enhance your eyebrows. It involves the use of a handheld tool and skin-safe, hair-colored ink to create very fine hair-like strokes on the eyebrows, similar to tattooing. However, a key part of microblading is that before any inking is done, the client's face is carefully measured. This is to ensure that the hair-like strokes are placed in the right spots to create beautiful brows that fit the client's face shape and blend nicely with any natural hairs. The results are natural-looking, fuller eyebrows that are make-up-free, hassle-free, and perfect day-in and day-out.

Why Do People Choose Microblading?

Having fuller eyebrows can change someone's look completely and it’s a look that many desire. However, many people achieve this look through makeup which can not only be time- and money-consuming, but can also look less natural and inconsistent from day to day. That's where microblading steps in. When done properly by a trained professional, microblading looks very natural and only needs to be done once every year or two, making it a much better investment than compared to choosing makeup.


How Long Does Microblading Last?

The results of microblading typically last around 12–18 months, but this varies from person to person. After that, a microblading touch-up is usually needed. As the eyebrows grow and new hairs come in, microblading may need to be touched up every so often.

Microblading vs. Permanent Makeup

Microblading is considered semi-permanent makeup and therefore differs from actual permanent makeup. The key differences are that microblading will need to be touched up sooner and more often — about every year or two — than permanent makeup, which may need just one or two touch-ups in their life span. Additionally, permanent makeup consists of more than just eyebrows; it also commonly includes eyeliner, and lip color, too.



If you're interested in microblading and would like to learn more, our microblading training academy offers comprehensive courses that will teach you everything you need to know about this exciting procedure. View our class schedule and register for our three-day microblading training course today!